Script pour installation facile Erlang 19.2 + Elixir 1.4.0

- 3 mins

Voici un petit script ecrit en bash pour installer d’une seule traite Erlang 19.2 et Elixir 1.4.0. Les dernières versions au 09 octobre 2016 01h23.

A exécuter en root !


# This script installs Erlang 19.2 from source and Elixir 1.4.0
# from precomplized zip. Installation took approximately
# 40 minutes with a crappy computer and crappy internet connection.
# This script should work (read: was only tested) on Mint
# Rebecca 17.3, but honestly should work on most Linux debian distros.
# Linut Mint 18, but honestly should work on most Linux debian distros.

# Pull this into a directory that will persist. (not tmp)
# $ chmod u+x
# $ sudo ./
# Logout and Log in.

# For additional help visit Elixir's IRC channel @ #elixir-lang
# on freenode (everyone is very helpful)

# Made by Jason Goldberger
# Updated by Jeremy Montesinos

# This script comes with no guarantees with regards to
# security or safety. Use at your own risk.

if [ $(id -u) != "0" ]; then
echo "You must be the superuser to run this script" >&2
exit 1

apt-get update

# Install the build tools (dpkg-dev g++ gcc libc6-dev make)
apt-get -y install build-essential

# automatic configure script builder (debianutils m4 perl)
apt-get -y install autoconf

# Needed for HiPE (native code) support, but already installed by autoconf
apt-get -y install m4

# Needed for terminal handling (libc-dev libncurses5 libtinfo-dev libtinfo5 ncurses-bin)
apt-get -y install libncurses5-dev

# For building with wxWidgets
apt-get -y install libwxgtk2.8-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libpng3

# For building ssl (libssh-4 libssl-dev zlib1g-dev)
apt-get -y install libssh-dev

# ODBC support (libltdl3-dev odbcinst1debian2 unixodbc)
apt-get -y install unixodbc-dev

mkdir erlang_and_elixir
mkdir erlang_and_elixir/erlang
mkdir erlang_and_elixir/elixir-v1.4.0

cd erlang_and_elixir

cd erlang

if [ -e otp_src_19.2.tar.gz ]; then
echo "Good! 'otp_src_19.2.tar.gz' already exists. Skipping download."
#install erlang. This takes 1 minute shy of forever.
tar -xvf otp_src_19.2.tar.gz
elif [ -e otp_src_19.2/]; then
echo "Very good, you have downloaded the archive and unzipped it !"
#install erlang. This takes 1 minute shy of forever.
tar -xvf otp_src_19.2.tar.gz

cd otp_src_19.2
sudo make install
cd .. # exit otp_src_19.2
cd .. # exit erlang dir

#install Elixir precompiled binary.
cd elixir-v1.4.0
cd .. # exit elixir dir
cd .. # exit erlang_and_elixir

echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$ERL_TOP/bin\"" >> $HOME/.profile
echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$ELIXIR_TOP/bin\"" >> $HOME/.profile

. $HOME/.profile

echo "Just Log out and Log back in to reload your ~/.profile file."

exit 0

Vous pouvez aussi suivre mon dépot git pour récupérer la dernière mise à jour du script quand elle est disponible :

Ou alors il suffit de remplacer les versions à la main.

Jeremy Montesinos

Jeremy Montesinos

Développeur Ruby On Rails chez Af83 :D

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